AR Standing Girl Play Guide

*Important notice – AR Broken!*

It seems my AR feature is broken after Chrome 88 update. I’m not going to fix this for a while.

Normal web games or VR is alive and kicking. Why don’t you give them a visit?

Web games page
VR games page

AR support is closed. This document is archived.

Check support first

Post-2017, AR-certified Android phones are supported.
Android OS Version 8+ (Oreo) is required. Use Chrome only.

Do a quick test – Official WebAR Sample
If this sample works, my games should work, too.

Don’t forget to install Google Play Service for AR. You don’t get the start button without this.

AR Start Button

If your phone doesn’t support AR, you won’t see that button.
* AR button doesn’t guarantee this game works.

Beautiful Shots taken in my place

Placing the AR Girl Tutorial (2770KB)
Play Demo Video (4.65MB)
Topside Notch Problem (Galaxy A50)

The touch coordinate is messed in AR Mode.

Other notch style phones may have similar problems. Look for the menu to disable it.

If the top side is hidden by the notch, touch UI in game won’t work correctly.


Doesn’t work?

First check Official WebAR Sample
If this sample doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

If the sample works, report me errors according to this. If you do that, you are helping me greatly.

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3 years ago

I have a problem when I touch ar all right I download the game when it tells me touch to continue I play many times and stay there

4 years ago

This is very nice. Good work

4 years ago

Just watched biko 3 play on youtube and this looks fun, have you seen projektmelody? I am trying to imagine a setup for it, two way interactions, one side views and control the other side.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Just like possess with VaM

4 years ago

Linux armv8l
Browser User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Pixel 2 XL) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Mobile Safari/537.36
Context Name: webgl
This is the red box. Hope this helps

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Para que son los nombres

4 years ago

I tried it with pixel 2 phone and it worked very nice.

4 years ago

The ar button won’t appear even though my device does support ar. I don’t know what’s wrong with it

4 years ago

Para que sirve el AR explicame por favor